First Nations communities where all children, youth and families are healthy, safe and can reach their full potential; where each child and youth is heard and where their best interests are affirmed and protected.
Amskwesewe’l l’nue’kati’l ta’n te’sit msit mijuaq’ji’j, malewe’j aq wikma’q wel-jajikoltijik, wlo’taqa’tijik, aq tepnma’tita; ta’n te’sit mijuaji’j aq maljewe’j nutuaten aqq apoqnmuaten ta’n koqwey nutama’ti’tij
The Mi’gmaq Child and Family Services of New Brunswick Inc. is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation that champions the fundamental rights of First Nations children, youth and their families and delivers services that result in better lives for vulnerable children, youth, their families and their communities.
Mi’gmawey mijua’ji’j aq wi’kmaq luko’waqan wla New Brunswick Inc. mawa’tasik wjit weji-welatekemk ta’n melki- tetpaqo’tekemkewe’l wjit l’nu mijuaji’j, maljewe’j aq wi’kmaq. Eluko’watiji me’ na kelu’ktitew wk-mimajuaqnmal, ta’n te’sit ewlo’tasit mijaji’j, maljewa’j, aq wi’kmaq ta’n wikultijik wk-wutanimual
Special Acknowledgement:
This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada
Ula lukowaqn kisa’tasikep aq ma’w apoqnma’ti wejiaq Kapno’lewey Kanata
Seven Sacred Teachings - L’luiknek Te’sikl Kekina’matimkewe’l :
What are our core Beliefs?
We are guided by the Touchstone Principles of First Nations child welfare: self-determination, non-discrimination, holistic and structural interventions and respect for culture and language. These principles were developed by the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society under the leadership of Cindy Blackstock.